【Autodesk Maya Bridge Creator】使用各種節點來rig 橋梁. Rigging bridges using various nodes

【Autodesk Maya Bridge Creator】使用各種節點來rig 橋梁. Rigging bridges using various nodes


嗨,這是在看完Rigging Dojo的 Bridge課程之後學到的東西,想要紀錄一下。




Hi, this is what I learned after watching Rigging Dojo's Bridge course and I wanted to record it.

For those interested, you can go and check it out.

The core concept of this entire tutorial is very simple, which is the various applications of the motionPath node. The entire rig's structure and all controllers and locators are built around this node.

The final product, as shown in the video below, is a complete bridge rig. I also wrote my own tool to procedural it, which was the most troublesome part. Other than that, the core concepts are very simple.

那麼底下就來記錄一下將這個教學程序化的過程之中、我所學到的新的東西,有些跟python有關、有些跟maya 節點的用法有關,希望對任何正在看這篇文章的人有所幫助。

So let me record the process of proceduralizing this tutorial that I learned and some new things I learned along the way. Some are related to Python, while others are related to the usage of Maya nodes. I hope it will be helpful to anyone reading this article.

Bridge Rig整體結構/Bridge Rig Overall Structure


這個rig主要是由4條cv線來帶動的,MainCtrl 透過cluster來變形cv線,而控制器跟joint則是透過motionPath節點被cv線帶動。


First, let's break down the structure of the rig.

This rig is mainly driven by 4 cv curves. The MainCtrl deforms the cv curves through clusters, while the controllers and joints are driven by the cv curves through motionPath nodes.

The following video shows the cluster controlled by MainCtrl. You can see that I use the same cluster to drive the two cv curves below. If you want to be closer to reality, you can use two clusters like the cv curves above.



As for the remaining models and controllers, they are driven by locators.

You can see from the following video that I put the controllers under locators. These locators are driven by motionPath through cv curves, so the controllers will also move accordingly, and the controllers will drive the joints. This completes the entire structure.

motionPath節點的Parametric Length開關/Parametric Length Switch in motionPath Node

在前面的Track Creator筆記有提到motionPath這個節點,這是一個可以幫助你讓物件跟隨curve線移動的節點,並且在curve線被拉伸時、物件的間距能夠保持同樣的數值!

這次的bridge rig用到最多的就是這個節點,以及它的Parametric Length開關。



In the earlier notes on Track Creator, we mentioned the motionPath node, which is a node that helps objects move along a curve, and keeps the distance between the objects the same when the curve is stretched!

The motionPath node and its Parametric Length switch were the most used nodes in this bridge rig.

The following is the method of using the motionPath node to make an object follow a cv curve.

Remember to use the Shape node of the cv curve!

下面的影片我們可以看到locator在兩條cv上面有不同的運動方式,他們唯一的差別就是motionPath上的Parametric Length開關。

如果取消勾選,那麼cv點在水平位移時,物件的間距不會被改變;反之如果打勾,那麼物件的間距就會被改變,這就是bridge rig最重要的選項,記得把它取消勾選。


In the following video, we can see that the locator has different motion paths on the two CV curves, and the only difference between them is the Parametric Length switch in the motionPath node.

If the switch is unchecked, the distance between objects will not change when the cv points move horizontally. If the switch is checked, the distance between objects will change. This is the most important option in the bridge rig, so remember to uncheck it.

Only by doing this can we create a realistic deformation of the bridge!

只要了解了Parametric Length開關的重要性,整個rig就已經完成一半了,剩下的部分就是把物件分配到cv線上、各自串上motionPath節點,然後再為cv線加上cluster以及控制器就可以完成效果不錯的bridge rig!

It can be said that understanding the importance of the Parametric Length option in the motionPath node is the key to completing the Bridge rig. The remaining part is to distribute objects to the CV curve, connect them to the motionPath node, add clusters and controllers to the CV curve, and the rig will be completed with a good effect.

Python zip():將多個list結合起來做迴圈/Combining multiple lists for looping



This is a very useful Python function that can combine different sequence lists together for iteration.

As shown in the video below, we can use the zip function to wrap two lists together. This way, objects at the same index in both lists can be processed together and various operations can be performed. This function is very useful for situations where you want to "use a loop to concatenate different lists."


這是我在程序化bridge rig中遇到的一個問題,就是當我們使用cmds.ikHandle()這個命令時,maya其實創造了一個list,其中包含ikHandle以及effector!



This is a problem I encountered in my programmatic bridge rig, which is that when we use the cmds.ikHandle() command, Maya actually creates a list that includes both the IK handle and the effector!

So if we want to perform other operations on the objects generated by this command, we need to specify the index, otherwise an error will occur!

As shown in the video below, the ikHandle command generates a list, where the object at IK[0] is the IK handle and the object at IK[1] is the effector. It is important to keep this in mind when using them.


在bridge rig中也用到了很多distance between節點來測量joint之間的距離,以便完成stretch ik的效果,這邊要注意的是,盡量不要用位移數值是0的物件來測量,例如控制器。

下圖是我把兩個控制器連上disatance between然後輸出到multply節點。

Distance between nodes are also used a lot in bridge rig to measure the distance between joints in order to achieve the stretch IK effect. Here, it is important to avoid using objects with a translate value of 0, such as controllers, for measurement.

The image below shows how I connected two controllers to a distance between node and output it to a multiply node.

接下來,我們選擇multply節點,可以看到distance between輸出的數值為0,這樣並不是一個好的結果,因為如果要製作ik stretch的效果,那麼就必須有一組數值讓其他節點運作。


Next, if we select the multiply node, we can see that the output value of the distance between node is 0. This is not a good result because if we want to create the stretch IK effect, there must be a set of values for other nodes to work with.

Therefore, if we need to use this technique, we should avoid using objects with a translate value of 0.

底下的影片是我將兩個locator parent到控制器的位置,並且讓他們的translate保持在有數值的狀態,然後輸出到distance between節點,可以看到最後輸出到multiply節點就有數值了!

The following video shows how I parented two locators to the position of a controller and kept their translate values in a non-zero state, then output them to a distance between node. As a result, we can see that there are values in the output of the multiply node!



下面是一個簡單的範例,我先製作了兩個空list A跟B,然後透過迴圈將一組數列利用append加入到兩個list裡面。


I have seen many tutorials use this technique, which is to create empty lists for the objects that will be used before the function starts running. I didn't understand the purpose of doing this before, but after starting to write my own tools, I began to understand its benefits, especially when dealing with large, ordered sets of objects. This method can unify and interact with newly generated objects and can be combined with the zip function mentioned above to satisfy most list processing needs.

Below is a simple example where I created two empty lists, A and B, and used a loop to append a sequence of numbers to both lists. Finally, I used zip to package them together and printed them out. This example may not be easy to understand, but these two lists of numbers can represent any other objects, such as controllers or joints. When we use Maya commands to generate these new objects, we can add them to the pre-arranged empty lists, so we can call them up and use them later!


如果想要串聯一個joint chain可以這麼做。

If you want to connect a joint chain, you can do it like this.


for i in JNT:
    Sel=cmds.ls(i, dag=True, type='joint')
    for j in Sel:

如下面影片示範的,我先選中所有joint chain的root,然後利用ls這個命令將他們加入到JNT這個list裡面,接下來再利用兩個迴圈將locator的rotate串聯到所有的joint上!

As demonstrated in the video below, I first selected the root of the joint chain, then used the ls command to add them to the list named "JNT". Next, I used two loops to link the rotation of the locators to all the joints!


事情是這樣的,因為maya cmds的text field不能直接用cmds.ls選中物件顯示,會出現錯誤,因為我們選到的東西是unicode不是str,所以要先把list str()之後才能正常顯示(MAYA2022之後好像就不會了,是python版本問題)

這樣在執行function時會出現錯誤,就是for 迴圈無法直接讀取str()後的東西,所以我們需要再將它轉回list格式,所以就會用到eval()。


The thing is, the Maya cmds text field cannot directly display the selected objects using cmds.ls, which may cause errors because the selected items are unicode, not str. Therefore, we need to convert the list to str() before displaying it (this issue may have been resolved in Python versions after MAYA 2022).

This will cause an error when executing the function because the for loop cannot directly read the str() items. Therefore, we need to convert it back to list format using eval().

Here is a simple demonstration. The process is to convert a str back to a list using eval(). If you encounter any unicode errors, you can try this solution.

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